Civic Voter Education

CCJP conducted civic and voter education and election monitoring during the following elections:

  • 1999 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections (PPE)
  • 2004 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections (PPE)
  • 2009 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections (PPE)
  • 2000 Local Government Elections (LGE)
  • 2014 Tripartite Elections.
  • 2019 Tripartite Elections.

The Commission has also implemented the following directly related program:

Advocacy against Gender-Based Violence

Implementation Period 2007-2010

Funded by Misereor

Implementation Area Mwanza, Neno, Chiradzulu, Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo and Blantyre

Gender Awareness among the Youth

Implementation Period 2010-2014

Funded by Misereor

Implementation Area

Action For Better Service Delivery

Implementation Period 2009-2012

Funded by Irish Aid

Implementation Area Mwanza

Enhanced Citizen Participation for Accountable and Responsive

Implementation Period

Funded by Tilitonse

Implementation Area Phalombe

Enhanced Citizen Participation for Accountable and Responsive Governance-Scaled up Phase

Implementation Period April 2013-June, 2015

Funded by Irish Aid

Implementation Area Phalombe

Primary Justice Project

Implementation Period  2013-2018

Funded by Irish Aid DFID

Implementation Area Mwanza, Neno and Thyolo