Donor:  UN women

Implementation area: Mwanza, Blantyre and Mulanje.

The project aimed at increased access to information, support and referral systems for pregnant mothers in light of Covid-19 pandemic and the outputs include the following:

  1. Increased access to SRHR-Material and New-born information and services including Gender-Based Violence to women and girls including the survivors. This output is responding to output 3 of UN Women programme i.e. “provide prompt information and services on Gender-Based Violence”
  2. Mobilised men and boys towards addressing gender norms and barriers to ensure support for women so that they effectively seek out the services and reach clinics. This is in response to output 5 of UN Women Programme “work with men and boys towards addressing gender norms and barriers to ensure support for women so that they effectively seek out the services and reach clinics”
Male Champion training in Blantyre
A nurse facilitating during the capacity building meeting on referral pathways