
Misereor – Germany

Implementation period

Implementation area

Seven Districts of Archdiocese of Blantyre namely: Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Thyolo, Mulanje, Phalombe, Mwanza and Neno

Target Group

Vulnerable groups in the society especially women, girls and children

Project Goal

Reduction of human rights violations among marginalized people, especially women, youths and children.

Overall aim

The overall aim of the project is to enable beneficiaries to access justice through legal counselling and representation.

Specific Objectives

The main specific objectives of the project are:

  1. To ensure that there is improved access to justice by marginalized people especially women and children
  2. To build capacity of traditional leaders to competently deliver justice to their subjects.
  3. To ensure that there is increased awareness raising of people’s human rights including issues of gender
  4. To provide legal representation to most vulnerable people.
  5. To ensure that there is increased knowledge on issues of gender, human rights and defence of their rights among the youths.
Youth Club Members in Phalome pause after a workshop
Stakeholders engagement meeting in Neno