Food security and economic empowerment are prerequisites for achieving national development as well as poverty reduction.  CCJP from Blantyre Archdiocese is implementing a Global Action to Defeat Hunger Project. The project duration is from April 2021 till March 2024 with financial support from Meserior- Germany. The overall goal of the project is to contribute toward reducing food insecurity gaps among the families in the Archdiocese of Blantyre in the selected 6 T/As ( Kapichi, Bvumbwe, Chimaliro, Ngolongoliwa, Mchiramwera and Nanseta) in Thyolo district and 2 T/As ( Mabuka and Chikumbu) in Mulanje district.   

Project Objectives

  • Ensuring that local communities in the target area have an increased knowledge on land rights and access to agricultural land.
  • Local communities in the target areas are economically empowered through sustainable livestock farming of  pigs and chicken.
  • Vulnerable households in 6 T/As of Thyolo district and 2 T/As in Mulanje district are food secure.
The project veterinary technician providing guidance on constructing recommended pig kraal for a No hunger group
Beneficiaries being trained on pig management and village bank